Thuong Hoang, Shane Porter, Benjami Close, Bruce Thomas, “Demo – Web 2.0 meets augmented reality”, in Advances in Wearable Computing, 2009.
Thuong Hoang, Shane Porter, Benjamin Close, Bruce Thomas, “Web 2.0 meets augmented reality”, in Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC2009), Linz, Austria 2009.
This project explores how a wearable computer with an augmented reality interface can provide real time contextual interactions, based on location aware Web 2.0 social network information. We investigate the use of wearable computer Augmented Reality (AR) technology to visualize Web 2.0 information and to allow elegant hands free interactions to communicate with people in adhoc social networking groups. We implement a walk-in menu to interact with the elements of the interface. Walk-in menu system allows the user to walk onto each menu item in order to activate it.